Seeing the matrix
Strategy is the deployment of tactics operating under a principle...
I think the brilliance that comes from having a piece of information like this is in how formulaic it is. Because it’s formulaic, you can take the same variables and apply it to any other subject:
style is the deployment of elements and technique operating under a philosophy
expression is the deployment of communication operating under a set of values
Just taking a look at those two properties, style and expression, and you have a whole chunk of understanding for any type of art (painting, music, dance, fashion)
We can continue to apply this for any number of subjects in life:
guidelines is the deployment of protocol operating under a methodology
perception is the deployment of focus operating under a framework.
It’s cool to think about because you can start breaking down highly abstract big picture subjects. Start by finding a formulaic explanation in one area, swap the variables for another area.
What interest me about all this isn’t necessarily the formulaic examples I just provided but the formulaic thinking in and of itself. To me, as you practice in this kind of thinking you practice being able to see the matrix.